Hi there!

Welcome to our in-progress effort to write a book about the Actor model.

We have made this work available on the web for all to read, free of charge, under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) by nc nd license. For those who wish to consume this text in a different format, or for folks wishing to support our work, we also sell EBook copies of this material through Leanpub.

We wrote this book almost entirely with the default AsciiDoctor implementation written in Ruby with source code colorization by the Rouge syntax highlighter. Diagrams were produced with Mermaid and svgbob. The free-to-read web version of this text is hosted by Netlify.

Acknowledging that everyone stands on the shoulders of giants, we graciously thank folks in the Free/Open Source Software community for their tireless efforts and continuing commitment.

Thanks for reading!



Part 3: Novel patterns

Part 4: Distributed processing with remoting

Part 5: Big CSV case study

by nc nd